"We think it's important that people find stuff in our lyrics that they can relate to or connect with"
Wolf & Moon - das sind Stefanie und Dennis. Kennengelernt haben sich die beiden auf einer Party in Utrecht (NL). Dennis schloss sich Stefanies Idee, nach USA zu reisen, an und das Projekt "Wolf & Moon war geboren. Die beiden spielten Shows in New York, Los Angeles und San Francisco und eine eigene Deutschland-Tour.
Am 17. November erschien ihre erste EP "Frames". Unter anderem findet sich auf der Platte ihre Single "Home To Me", dessen Video auf wunderbare und intime Weise die Hochzeit der beiden Musiker dokumentiert.
"Frames" erzählt Geschichten und vermittelt Emotionen. Es geht um Glück, die eigenen Macken, Potential, Seelenverwandtschaft und Fernweh. Stefanie und Dennis geben uns mit ihrer Debüt-EP einen Einblick in ihre Gedanken- und Gefühlswelt. Besonders ihre viele Reisen haben die beiden inspiriert. Und das Ergebnis kann sich wirklich sehen beziehungsweise hören lassen! "Frames" ist eine melancholische und sehr persönliche EP, die zum Träumen, aber auch zum Nachdenken anregt.
Hey guys – thank you for taking some time. How are you doing?
Wolf & Moon: We are doing fine! Thanks for asking, how are you?
Describe your band with 3 words only!
Wolf & Moon: Traveling - Dreamfolk - Duo
You’ve traveled to many different places, for example the USA and Sweden. What were the most interesting things you’ve learned and experienced during your journeys?
Wolf & Moon: We learned that a good song works in any occasion; acoustic guitar, two voices and a living room full of fine people or a stage, drummachines electric guitar, synths and two voices and a full venue. Once the song we wrote and us get acquainted it is fun to be able to play it in all these different situations for different people. We also love to learn new cultures and meet new people. Traveling puts you in more situations where you are open to meet new people and we see music as a good way to connect. A lot of experiences find there way back into the music and the lyrics. After traveling you always feel you’ve grown a little.
What is your EP “Frames” about? What does it mean to you?
Wolf & Moon: Our EP is an introduction to Wolf & Moon and a preview of the upcoming album. The songs are small ‘Frames’ of a bigger picture, a bigger story that unfolds as we go. Memories we capture, experiences we live through can be topics that end up in our songs. We write a lot about traveling but also about love and family. We think it is important that people find stuff in our lyrics that they can relate to or connect with. For us each song brings up different memories but it is more important what it means to the listener. What does it mean to you?
What are your plans for 2018?
Wolf & Moon: We want to play as much as possible, festivals through Europe in the summer. Australia at the end of the year hopefully. Also we want to release our debut Album.
Your last message for the people out there?
Wolf & Moon: Let us know what you think of FRAMES and connect with us on our social pages or on our website wolfandmoonmusic.com. We love hearing back from our listeners. And as always, be nice to each other :) !
(c) Sarah, Dezember 2017